Capacity development for communities, local structures/institutions key for sustainable water resources management and development

10 November 2021 | SADC-GMICapacity development for communities, local structures/institutions key for sustainable water resources management and developmentSustainable management of groundwater is firmly anchored on societal values and managing conflicting stakeholder interests. Sustainable management of groundwater is firmly anchored on societal values and managing conflicting stakeholder interests. Therefore, the local capacity of institutions to respond…

Deriving benefits from the groundwater system: Innovative groundwater infrastructure interventions

10 November 2021 | SADC-GMIDeriving benefits from the groundwater system: Innovative groundwater infrastructure interventionsGroundwater forms an important life sustaining resource which most rural communities, about 70% of the population in the SADC region depend on. Groundwater is extremely important in Africa. It is estimated that more than 75 percent of the African population uses groundwater…

4th SADC Groundwater Conference – Welcome Note by James Sauramba

10 November 2021 | SADC-GMI4th SADC Groundwater ConferenceWelcome Note by James SaurambaENGLISHFRENCHPORTUGUESEENGLISHWELCOME NOTE SADC-GMI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (JAMES SAURAMBA) SADC Groundwater Conferences were debuted in 2018 and since then, this premier groundwater event in the SADC region has grown from strength to strength. The past three conferences have demonstrated great impetus in aiding the SADC region…